I help high achieving coaches become better coaches.

I teach you how to get your clients better results, quicker, with a simple 3 step process proven to elicit transformational change on a neurological level. (Psst - I'm not a gatekeeper - the process I used is called Memory Reconsolidation).

Hey! I'm so glad you're here! Time to get a little spicy 🔥 

Are you tired of the coaching industry? All talk and no results. Overpromising and underdelivering. Given mindset worksheet after mindset worksheet. Telling you to "feel your feelings" and just do a thought download you'll be good, white knuckle it until you get your results.

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Enough gatekeeping. Enough gaslighting. Enough fear mongering. Enough is enough.

Here, we are visionaries.

We are leaders in the industry paving a new path for all coaches. 

A path where you and your clients get real results. 

Gone are the coaching sessions blaming you for having the wrong thoughts and having no clue how to ACTUALLY HELP.

Here to stay are the coaching sessions that help you uncover your client's innate worth, rewrite outdated beliefs, and address the physical body.

Change is here NOW and we are the visionaries.

Read more about Melissa here




You took the leap. You're a coach! 

Your dream has been to help others feel better and get their life to a place they want to be.

What an incredible gift to give to others!

But now that you're getting clients...

~ You're starting to realize the worksheets you have, don't magically induce transformation

~ You're getting stuck when your client gets stuck

~ You get triggered when your client becomes distressed and aren't sure how to help them calm down


You know that a limiting belief is causing the surface symptom...but how can you actually clear away the belief?

You can, for the most part, uncover their core belief...but then what? And how can you uncover it every time?

Your zone of genius is your niche. For example, you're a health coach that focuses on hormones and gut health. Hormones and gut health is your zone of genius. Now how do you help your clients that have mental blocks preventing them from actually breaking old habits? Your clients are coming to you because they want your help. If they could have done it on their own, they would have.

This is what the Coaching Catalyst is for.

To help you be a better coach.

To help you understand human behavior and how to work WITH the brain (not against it).

To help you enhance your coaching presence and be seen as a visionary and leader in your industry.

To help you feel so confident in helping your client with any problem they throw your way.

The Coaching Catalyst has everything you need to help you master your coaching skills at a deep level so you can facilitate transformational coaching sessions over and over.


Interested in becoming a member in the Coaching Catalyst Membership when the doors open?

Email Melissa@MelissaEtzler.com and let me know what excites YOU about raising industry standards and you'll be added to the waitlist.

*Private sessions are only available to Coaching Catalyst Members

EFT/Tapping Workshops Available

Tap into Money is offered monthly only inside Coaching Catalyst

In-person workshops available - go to our Events page to find out what, where, and when!